
On Wed 2nd May Agitate-Propagate-Print!, a one-day screen-printing workshop for students with the activist graphics group Propagate Collective, took place in LCC’s screen-printing studio. The event was part of DARH’s Agitate-Propagate-68. The workshop drew inspiration from the political visuals and basic techniques of the Atelier Populaire,  the occupied art school print studio in Paris which during the tumultuous political time of May ‘68 churned out numerous simple yet powerful posters in support of the student and worker uprisings that were taking place.  Inspiration and lessons were also drawn from  London’s own Poster Workshop, set up by radicals in a basement in Camden town between 1968-71. Students from the Design School’s BA/MA Graphic & Media Design and Illustration & Visual Media courses stepped up to the challenge of using the most basic of screen printing techniques – the cut paper stencil – to produce a protest placard in a day. Ambitions for more complex designs and subtle messages were put to the test through discussions about impact, clarity and possible misinterpretations. The aim was for students to learn how rapid techniques and simple imagery can be effectively utilized for powerful protest graphics. Veterans from the above mentioned Poster Workshop (1968-71), Sam Lord and Sarah Wilson joined in, and the whole day could not have happened without the support and skill of the college’s screen printing techs who set everything up. The themes that emerged were Trump’s forthcoming visit, migration and borders, the Windrush scandal, housing, nuclear energy, debt, the gender pay gap, Brexit, fear and isolation, the war in Syria… The final placards then joined the exhibition display along with those from Poster Workshop (1968-71),  just in time for the Agitate-Propagate-68! exhibition opening and Poster Workshop book launch on Thursday 3rd May in LCC library space.

Front two rows: The placards from Agitate-Propagate-Print! workshop